Conservation Commission 3/14/23


100 Hollis Street - Installation of a Geothermal System 00:01:04

Groton Town Forest - Treatment of Invasive Vegetation 00:15:45

90 Ridgewood Road - Removal of Hazardous Trees 00:21:30

Discussion - Request for Minor Change to Site Plan: Pickleball Courts 00:31:46

72 Maplewood Ave - Replacement of Septic System and Construction of Patio and Retaining Walls 00:40:52

282 Farmers Row “Groton School” - Construction of Athletic Track and Field 00:58:10

282 Farmers Row “Groton School” - Construction of Multipurpose Sports Field and Baseball Diamond 01:20:31

Nate Nutting Road (Rocky Hill Wildlife Sanctuary) - Creation of Wildlife Habitat 01:30:09

Land Management & Acquisition 01:39:40

General Discussions/Announcements 01:49:53

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