Groton Board of Health 5/15/23


Meeting Called to Order 00:00:02

Nashoba Paddler – River Camp Variance* 00:01:07

Stephen Poole, 116 Schoolhouse Road - Variance Request, Sewage Disposal System Upgrade 00:02:54

Tobacco Permit (new owner) - 786 Mobil Mart, Inc., 6 Boston Road 00:08:14

Minutes – May 1,2023 00:12:26

Troy Hebert, 248 Chicopee Row - Variance Request to State Sanitary Code 410.250: Habitable Rooms Other than Kitchen / Natural Light and Electrical Outlets 00:13:58

Olin Lathrop, 55 Sunset Road - Deed Restriction Discussion 00:17:56

PUBLIC HEARING – Review Board of Health Regulations 00:30:40

COVID Update 00:39:30

PFAS Update 00:45:33

Nod Road Land Fill Update 00:48:27

Meeting Adjourned 00:53:58

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